
Showing posts from November, 2013

St John's Church Christmas Bazaar this Friday.

St John’s Church are holding their annual Christmas Bazaar this Friday morning between 10 am and 1 pm.  It is always a popular event so if you have time, pop in. The website is  where you will find more details


There is an error in the most recent edition of the Bourne Ender!  The date of the Quiz Night is the 28th February not the 21st!  Many of the copies issued have been changed, but if you have one of the originals please alter your copy. And ....make sure you put the date in your diary!  It's always a good evening! And ooops again!  Thanks Vivien from Bourne End Lane for pointing out an error in the crossword. Dostoyevski's forename is of course Fyodor not Fiodor!  (10 across).

The Winter Edition of the Bourne Ender

The link to Community DriveSafe scheme:

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Coming up .... Wine Tasting ... don't miss out ... limited places ....... get your tickets soon
