
Showing posts from December, 2015

Bourne End Mills Redevelopment Proposals

Dacorum Borough Council Planning Department has informed us that the proposals for the redevelopment of Bourne End Mills will not go before committee until the January meeting at the earliest  This means that there is more time to submit comments if you have not already done so.  If you are going to do so, make sure you do by early January. The most significant issues seem to be: The number of houses.  We are concerned about the number and that they are only the minimum necessary to support the industrial estate. Dacorum council are looking at this viability independently. We are concerned that there should be controls that ensure there is no subsequent increase in the area. The impact of the proposal to allow 24 hour working.  This seems a difficult one for us.  The expectation is that 24 hours will be allowed although it may not be used.  Lack of restriction of hours does not imply freedom from noise and any other nuisance.  In practice, th...

Carol Singing

Congratulations to those who joined in the carol singing and to those who gave so generously.  In all, the two nights made £354.00.  The proceeds will be split equally between: The Iain Rennie Foundation and DEN (Dacorum emergency Night Shelter.

Come carol singing .....................

Monday’s carol singing which covered half the village managed to raise over £150.00.  Come and help us beat that total on Wednesday when we will visit the rest of the village.  Experience of singing desirable but not essential (as many in the village already know) Funds will go to: The Iain Rennie Foundation  DENS (Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter)

Proposed Redevelopment of Bourne End Mills Industrial Estate

Although late in the day, it might be helpful for anyone who has not yet written to the council to see what has been submitted from Bourne End Village Association.  The comments regarding the amendments will be in line with those on the flyer you received in the last day or so.   Do remember that submissions to the council must be received by 12th December. Please note the error on the recent flyer.  The Planning Reference Number should be 4/03072/15/MFA The letter is below:

Amended Application for the Redevelopment of Bourne End Mills

You may already have received the flyer below.  Please read it carefully in conjunction with the earlier information given to you about the proposals. Note that the period of time available to respond is very limited.  Comments must be submitted by 12th December as the intention is for the Planning Committee to consider the proposals on the 17th December. Please note an error in the flyer .... a / is missing.  The Planning Reference Number should read ...   4/03072/15/MFA The original flyer sent round in September can be found by scrolling down.  It includes a plan and reference to what we think are the crucial documents.  (The order of these documents will have changed as a result of the amendments.)