
Showing posts from July, 2016

Become a Street Champion

Bourne End Village Association runs some occasional litter picks.  They make a huge difference to the village, but in between times the litter can accumulate.  Our borough council runs a 'Street Champion' scheme to support members of the community to keep the locality looking smart all the time. But it's much more than supporting litter picking.  To find out more, read the information below. If you decide to get involved, contact Nigel Brant-Wilcock 01442 228526 07810814762 Alternatively, contact Jeff Norwood who is very involved and keen to recruit others.

The latest Bourne Ender


Expansion of the Dog Day Care activity

There have been a number of recent modifications to the proposed expansion of the Dog Day Care Centre in Upper Bourne End Lane.  As we have already expressed, the proposals represent an intensification of activity on this area of Green Belt.  The latest modifications involve; ·          Changes in the orientation of the vans in the parking area; ·          Specification of the parking area (the total area covered by barn and car park would be three times the current area); ·          A noise assessment which refers only to agricultural activity, ignoring the presence of a large number of dogs.  (Currently about 80 with proposals to increase.); ·          A modification to the size of the shelters. (Three shelters at 3.5m high one of which would be 3.5m x 7.5 m.). We do not accept that the modifications...