Meeting Tonight Re: Little Hay Golf Course Remodelling ALL Welcome

Update on Little Hay Planning Application 

Meeting Tonight: There is a Bovingdon Parish Council Planning meeting this evening at 6:15 to consider changes that have been made in the application.  

Background: If approved 295,000 cubic metres / up to 600,000 tons of construction waste will be dumped on the Little Hay Golf Course, Green Belt land.  

Because the Little Hay application involves landfill and as Dacorum is actually the owner of the golf course, the application is being handled by Hertfordshire CC.

The project will take at least 18 months to complete and there will be 150 HGV movements (75 up and 75 down) during the week and 90 during the weekend to deliver the required waste material - in total more than 64,000 HGV movements

The waste will either be delivered using historic Upper Bourne End Lane which will be destroyed in the process or Box Lane / Hempstead Road, the busiest B Road in Hertfordshire.  Currently it is looking like Upper Bourne End Lane will be used but Box Lane / Hempstead Road is Highways' preferred route. 

Dacorum's own Planning Officer has raised serious concerns with the application which appear to have been ignored.

The public has not been made aware of the vast scale of the application.  Information on the proposal which should have been readily available has been difficult to get, which has resulted in two residents filing Freedom of Information requests.  Response by Dacorum and Hertfordshire has been slow as the information is only just now being made available and to date key documents have not been provided by Dacorum. 

The scale of the proposal is being driven by the money that will be generated by the landfill and not the needs by Little Hay.  Rumours of large amounts of money changing hands continue and serious concerns including the lasting impact on the Green Belt and our environment go unanswered as the landfill company rushes to push through the application.

Residents of Bourne End, Box Lane and Bovingdon have come together to oppose what is being proposed, highlight the shocking lack of transparency and ensure that the potential impact of the Green Belt and the environment is thoroughly considered.  The group is demanding that the application is put on hold until all the required information is made available and residents have had sufficient time to review and respond accordingly.

Attached Flyer: For your information a one page overview on the application is attached.

Still Time: The deadline date for comments and objections was 26 February but due to the level of public concern Herts will continue to accept objections up until the application is actually considered by the Hertfordshire DCC.  
Hope to see you at tonight's BPC Meeting at Memorial Hall! 6:15PM


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