Little Hay Landfill - Proposals for Bourne End Mills – Bourne End Village Association AGM (BEVA)

Little Hay
The report prepared for Hertfordshire Development Control Committee has now been published.  It recommends that planning permission should be refused.  The full report and an interpretation of what this means is on the Little Hay Saga blog

Bourne End Mills
Following a meeting between the developers and members of the village association, the developers have taken away a number of concerns and are looking at the plans in the light of them. We understand that a new proposal will be submitted and sent out for comments. Watch this space! 
(You might like to look at the existing plans.  There are a number, but 4/01988/14 seems to give the best overview.)

You will receive a flyer about the AGM on 24th October.  Please try to find the time to attend, even if it is to hear what we have been doing over the past year and to put in any suggestions for the coming one, as well as your vote for the committee.


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