Update on LA3

The story so far

In 2006, a series of proposals were put forward to allocate areas for new homes in Dacorum.  These proposals included, amongst those selected, an area known as LA3, extending from Chaulden up to Pouchen End Lane and Chaulden Lane.  It would ultimately increase the size of the town by 900 houses.  A public consultation exercise took place in the spring and early summer of 2013. This included workshops and a public exhibition, the most local to us being at Gadebridge. 

It is proposed that the development would be phased over a period starting in 2021 with housing close to the existing town, and aiming to complete by 2031.

It is clearly a contentious issue as it takes up green belt land and has obvious implications for the whole of the west side of Hemel.  Despite considerable opposition it remains a major part of Dacorum’s planning.  At this stage, however, we are talking about a strategic plan.  If, or when the green light is given, the detailed planning applications for each element will be up for consultation in the normal way.  This is some way off yet, even in the scenario painted below. 
The issues for Bourne End are many, and there will be many different perspectives.  Picking out specifics is a dangerous game and those who were involved in the consultation exercise may have very different issues.  However what would seem to be most significant would be.
  • The fact that Hemel is extending virtually to Bourne End, removing green belt land.  Despite proposals for structural tree belts, housing would virtually abut Pouchen End and Winkwell
  • The major access point would be from the existing roads in Hemel, thus protecting the small lanes such as Pouchen End Lane and Chaulden Lane.  Nevertheless.
    •  Note the term ‘major’.  There is a suggestion of some access along Chaulden Lane.
    • There would be a considerable increase in traffic on the local lanes as they get used yet more as rat runs.
  • The site will be required to include 7 Gypsy and Traveller pitches.  On the draft plan these are located on the corner by Winkwell with a suggestion of a separate access along Chaulden Lane.
To reiterate, each step would be subject to the normal planning consultation processes.

There was and still is opposition to this and West Hemel Action Group (WHAG) is working to stop it ever taking place.

So what has changed? 

Earlier this year Dacorum’s plans were subjected to scrutiny by an Inspector.  She was convinced of an argument put forward for LA5 in Tring that siting a Gypsy and Traveller site in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was inappropriate.  This has created a problem for Dacorum as they are required to provide a certain number of sites each year.  The problem would be solved if the Gypsy and Traveller site LA3 was to be brought forward.  This is what is being proposed.  On Tuesday, cabinet will be considering this proposal along with other changes as a result of the scrutiny by the inspector.  

WHAG will be at the meeting to put forward their objections.


DBC has a place on their website giving details of the progress on the site allocations:

 For those who have not seen the proposals for LA3 they can be found here:

WHAG can be found at: 

The discussion document for the proposals to be considered at Cabinet on Tuesday 20th December can be found here:

BEVA Planning Group


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