Coming soon Halloween will be available from your local village rep in the next few days.

..... and an early reminder of the Jazz Night on Friday 17th  November.  Make sure you get it in your diary.

The Bourne End Village Association AGM was held last Friday along with the Village Hall AGM.  the Chairman's report is below.


 After four years as Chairman of the Association I have decided it is time to retire and my wife, Jean, who has been secretary for the last five years has also decided to retire.  I would like to thank her for all the hours of work she has put in on behalf of BEVA and myself.  I feel it is time for a new impetus and change of direction.  I have enjoyed being Chairman of my favourite village – after all, I have lived here for fifty-five years and been associated with it for sixty-six.  I would also like to thank the BEVA Committees over the past four years for all their hard work and support, and especially Chris Hunt for standing in as Chairman when I was indisposed earlier this year.  I would also like to thank Mike Pritchard for his work as Treasurer and on planning, and John Mawer for all the Bourne Enders he produces and also his work on planning.  Jean and I will still be in the village and prepared to help and support the Association whenever possible.

During the past year we have seen the industrial estate built and finally a barrier erected across Bourne End Lane.  The building of 45 houses on the bottom end of the site is due to start soon.  There is also the ongoing problem with the LA3 development in Chaulden which the Planning Sub-Committee is trying to help sort out.

Since the last AGM we have had two litter picks and on both occasions McDonalds have sent a team to help us, so thanks are due again to Alan Butchers.  We have organised the Remembrance Service and a very good Quiz Night, run by The Pritchards and Lawsons, which raised approximately £400.  Our Village Show and Teddy Bears’ Picnic was a very well attended and enjoyable village day, as well as being a lot of hard work for which I thank everyone involved.  Also on the social side, we had an excellent Halloween Party which raised £554 toward the footpath fund and I would like to thank the Committee for all the work and effort they put into this.  We have decided to split any profit made at the forthcoming Halloween Party between the footpath and the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon.  We also raised £500 from Carol Singing last December, which was donated equally between two local charities.

As well as the Halloween Party on 28 October, we have a Jazz Night coming up on Friday 17 November with the Jazz Band who played for us two years ago and Colin Holdom, who still plays the trumpet for 3-4 hours a day, has agreed to come back to play for us at this event.  Tickets will be on sale soon at £15.

Finally, it just remains for me to say thank you to you all for putting up with me for the last four years and to wish the new Chairman a successful and enjoyable time.   Let me remind you all that BEVA does an excellent job to help improve our village and deserves support from every villager.

Gordon Rolfe


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