Text of Cllr Gbole Adeleke's Statement

Below is the statement that Cllr Adeleke was blocked from delivering at the LA3 Meeting on 28th November

The Council’s Master Plan is part of the Government led national initiative to address, not only the Housing shortages but to provide sufficient living accommodation for the future generation
But let me be absolutely clear
Neither myself nor the Residents I represent object to the “Adopted Policy LA3 and the Master Plan”
However, in as much as we All agree that the Housing crisis need to be addressed and addressed urgently, the proposed LA3 Development Plan vary considerably from the original Masters Plan in substance, practicality and credibility
The Developers’ Plans have breached ALL Legal, Local, County and Government Guidelines
The proposed LA3 Plan, as it stands, will impact negatively on the Residents of Bourne End and have more far reaching consequences for the wider communities of West Hemel Hempstead
And I will now address some of the issues.
First is the Traveller site
The Master Plan proposal was to incorporate Traveller sites into new developments and the potential location was integrated into LA3
The Residents of Bourne End expressed no objection to the location of the traveller site as in the Master plan
However, the current LA3 Proposal creates a separate exclusive access to the traveller site. This will effectively link the site to the settled community of Winkwell rather than being included in LA3
In short, the site will dominate the seven dwellings which make up the settled community of Winkwell
I put it to you that this site is not integrated into LA3. It excludes the travellers from LA3 and include them in Winkwell.
Should the LA3 Plan go ahead in its present format:
It will seriously Breach The Government Planning Act of 2015 for Travellers Site
And there are other critical reasons why I am opposed to the current LA3 Plan
This include the questions of Infrastructure which have not been fully addressed or logically evaluated
The main issue is Traffic
The master plan for LA3 offered the reassuring key principle to "prevent further vehicular access on to rural lanes".
Furthermore, during the time of these plans, HCC Highways policy on rural lanes was to resist development which would encourage rat running.
At present, access into and out of the entire area and surrounding roads is a well-documented nightmare.
You must already be aware of the existing traffic problems in the lanes adjoining the site and in to Winkwell, Pouchen End and Chaulden. These are used as rat runs to access the A41 in both directions, east and west. 
Furthermore, the widening of Chaulden Lane will definitely lead to increased volume and speed of traffic.
This compromises safety for the many pedestrians and cyclists who currently use these routes to Winkwell, the Grand Union Canal, the A4251 London Road – an already intolerable situation to become much worse.
The access to the traveller site WILL place more traffic on to this single track rural lane and undue pressure on the existing infrastructure at Winkwell.

And talking of default infrastructure, there are no school, no doctor surgery, no dentist or properly functioning shops to serve the existing Community, not to mention LA3 additional 1100 dwellings.
In short, there is no Logical Infrastructure in place, or indeed possible in the foreseeable future, to support the current LA3 Plan.
Given the reasons I have outlined and many more logical reasons, the Impact of LA3 will have devastating consequences, not only on the Residents of Bourne End but the entire Community of West Hemel Hempstead.
I would therefore implore the Committee to the right thing, not just for today, but for the foreseeable future, and reject the Plan


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