LA3 Correspondence in the Gazette

The LA3 battle rumbles on. 1100 new homes are due to be built in West Hemel. As you go along Chaulden the back way into Hemel the development will be on your left stretching up the hill to the Hemel Hempstead Road. As part of the LA3 development - and a condition of the area being taken out of greenbelt -a gypsy and traveller site is planned for the corner nearest Winkwell. You'll see from the correspondence that the location of the site, far away from the main development, is in breach of government policy relating to traveller communities.  It presents clear traffic problems for all users and excludes the travellers from the community into which they ought to be integrated. This correspondence refers to the "stitch up" between the developers and Dacorum Borough Council.  

Charlie, as chair of the Village Association, is the signatory on the letters, but the very hard work and determination of our planning committee also needs to be recognised. They have continued to work throughout the year to represent the interests of all local residents against the purely commercial interests of the hugely powerful developers. They deserve our gratitude.  Thank you John, Mike, Paul and Chris.

Letter from BEVA 

Reply from the Leader of Dacorum Borough Council, Andrew Williams
Rebuttal from BEVA

Letter from WHAG (West Hemel Action Group) a pressure group which shares our views


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