You may have already responded to a similar planning application which was made in October. (See earlier blog entry.)  This is a new application and it requires a new and separate response related to this specific application number.  As the application is virtually identical, and the grounds for your objection may remain unchanged it is quite in order for you to repeat the same letter in terms of substance, simply altering the application number.   

Scroll down to see illustrations of where the sheds are planned to be sited.




An application has been put in to Dacorum Borough Council to build a Chicken Farm above the village at the back of the A41 Service Area. 

Your Village Association believe that this development would be detrimental to the village for the reasons stated below and we would urge you to write a letter to the Council in order to stop this application from succeeding:

  1. The visual impact from the village, Bourne End Lane, Sugar Lane and surrounding areas.  This would mean a visual change of a beautiful part of the Chilterns and area used by walkers and horse riders.

  1. Access would be from Upper Bourne End Lane which is a single width lane.  There would be regular movements of large lorries, and also extra movements of cars and vans to and from the site.  It would also need a large turning to give access into the site and a large access road across the site.

  1. Pollution of smell all over the village when the sheds are opened/ventilated and the prevailing wind blows across the village.  Pollution from chicken waste being filtered into water courses.  Pollution also by sound from extractors, etc. 

  1. The company proposing this development appears to be a speculative company and if this permission is granted there is a possibility that they will want to change to industrial or housing use within a short time, particularly because this is a prime site overlooking the village with access onto the A41.

Please write with your objections in your own words, but if you need help there are more reasons for objections on the Village Blog (see below).  The letter requires your address and to be signed by you, and you should send it before the closing date to:

Chief Planning Officer
Planning Department
Dacorum Borough Council
Civic Centre
The Marlowes
Hemel Hempstead HP1 1HH

Closing date for objections: 11 December 2012


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