The Quiz will soon be here! Your local rep will shortly be coming round with tickets for this popular annual event. To avoid disappointment, make sure you buy your tickets early. At £10.00, which includes food, it's a night not to be missed. Why wait for us to call on you? Give a rep a call. At the moment, the following have, or will shortly have tickets. Maggie Cassidy 866292/07809283074 maggie001@hotmail.co.uk Kim Hughes 873576 mail_kim_hughes@yahoo.co.uk Chris Mabley866293 chrismabley@yahoo.co.uk John Mawer 873657 / 07919870091 j .mawer@live.co.uk . Mike Pritchard 862987 michael@pritchardmichael.wanadoo.co.uk Javaid Punwar 07764 660754 javaid.punwar@btinternet.com Gordon Rolfe 863079 jean.rolfe@uwclub.net Martin Warner 866946 / 07870510138 mw812@btinternet.com