Traffic Issues

Well done all of you who signed the petition.

With some 180 signatures representing 80% of the households we’ve a pretty powerful case to present.  With the 56 houses in Pix Farm Lane being agreed, the need for action on the lanes is yet more pressing.

As well as the petition we have looked for support from a number of other areas:

CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) 
This organisation is a statutory consultee on planning matters. They have expressed strong support for our proposals and they feature strongly in their document on LA3.  They have placed our      document alongside their on the website. Their document on LA3 is well worth reading for its more general concerns.

The Chiltern Society
We have been in contact with Jenny Habib who is the planning officer for our area. She will soon  be hosting a meeting to discuss LA3 and said of the information we sent that it will ‘really help me and also the meeting’.

The Developers of LA3
We have impressed on them the considerable value of our proposals to their development.  Housing abutting Chaulden Lane and Pouchen End Lane would have a much more rural feel.  Both developers have replied to say that they will discuss the matter in their meeting with Herts County Council Highways and Dacorum Borough Council Planners.

Dacorum Environmental Forum
This group has suggested that the proposals could be beneficial to the use of the Chiltern Way and enhancing the Wildlife Corridor for Shrubhill Common Local Nature Reserve.

Our Local Councillors
As was said at the meeting, it was Richard Roberts who first put forward the idea of closing Chaulden Lane some years ago.  Our Dacorum Councillors have all three voiced their support. 


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