Planning issues

We have posted in the Bourne Ender on this blog and soon to be distributed in hard copy, what we consider to be the most significant planning applications. The complete list is posted here. 

Planning round-up March 2020 – March 2021

Numbers are given so that if you wish to know more you can access the Dacorum website and in ‘search planning applications’ pull up details by filling in the number. These applications are all ‘new’ and their status, where resolved, is shown.
Bourne End Village Association, through its Planning Sub Committee, review all applications impacting on Bourne End and represent to Dacorum. This can result in the decision, changes to the original application, or to conditions applied.
We start at Bourne End Lane, round to the south and west, then north and east, before coming round to the south again.

Bourne End Lane
20/01872 Sawmill Cottage, 42,Bourne End Lane-double and single extension          - granted.

Upper Bourne End Lane (UBEL)
20/02066 Bovingdon Airfield         – temporary film set                                                  - granted.

20/00559 Runways Farm              – extend original time for mgt plan and other works    -   refused
02759/18 Runways Farm               - car drifting appeal against refusal of time-above       - o/s

19/02741 Berry Farm, UBEL          - application withdrawn ( enforcement action still)    -  o/s
20/02945 Berry Farm, UBEL          -  variation from granted plan                                         -  refused  
20/02947 Berry Farm, UBEL          -  earthworks                                                                      -  refused

20/03349 Plot 31, UBEL                  -   barn and track                                                              -   granted
20/04045 Plot 31,UBEL                   - condition 3 hard landscaping                                       -  granted
20/04040 Plot B3a, UBEL                - construction of hard standing                                      -  granted
21/00004 Plot B3a, UBEL                - perimeter fencing                                                           - granted

20/02017 Greywolf Farm               - dog training, double height wood fence                    - granted

London Road West (LRW)
20/00768 Complete Outdoors        – details of contamination & works                            - granted
01393/19 Complete Outdoors         - details to satisfy condition 7                                      - granted
20/02359 Complete Outdoors        – details of tree protection                                           - granted
20/03421 Complete Outdoors        – details of traffic management                                   - granted
21/00859 Complete Outdoors        – altered building detailing                                           - granted

20/01084 Appletrees, (LRW)           - modification to earlier application                           - granted

Sharpes Lane
20/00669 Fishing Lodge,SL               - new manege                                                                  - granted

Pix Farm Lane (PFL)
21/00060 Buttons Site                      - safeguarding of waterway                                          - granted
21/00061 Buttons Site                      - sustainability                                                                - granted
21/00119 Buttons Site                      - external finishes                                                          - granted
21/00120 Buttons Site                      - lighting                                                                          - o/s
21/00339 Buttons Site                      - landscaping                                                                  - o/s
21/00340 Buttons Site                      - landscaping management plan                                    - o/s
21/00688 Buttons Site                       - Japanese knotweed eradication plan                         - o/s
21/00828 Buttons Site                       - additional three houses and remove parking            - o/s

Pouchen End Lane (PEL)        
20/00512 Telecoms station,PEL       – installation of equipment-advisory                          - no objection
20/03420 Pouchen End Farmhouse – two storey, 4 bedroom dwelling                              -  granted
21/00553 Pouchen End  Farmhouse – details required under above appn.                       – granted

20/1851 3,Winkwell                            - new vehicle access, fence and gates                       - granted

London Road East (LRE)
20/00360 Old Oak, LRE                       - demolish and rebuild with two houses                   - refused
20/01184 Old Oak, LRE                       - demolish & rebuild 2 semi-detached houses         - granted
21/00350 Old Oak, LRE                       - adding extras and demolish wall                                - o/s

20/01752 The Old Cottage                 - fell tree –conservation area (CA)                              - granted

20/02849 Collingwood, LRE               - reduce ash tree   (CA)                                                - granted

20/03917 Sandane LRE                       - extension and enlargement of original plan           - o/s

20/02049 The Cottage, LRE                - removal of tree (CA)                                                    - granted
20/01883 The Cottage, LRE                - works to listed building                                               -granted

20/02741 Farthings, LRE                     - phase 2 of gabion wall etc.                                         – granted

20/03806 Little Poppins, LRE             - further extension                                                           - refused

20/01740 Watermill Hotel                 retention of marquees                                                     -withdrawn

In addition there was continuing work on LA3, on the traffic situation leading to and including Winkwell, and on the ‘Bulbourne Cross’ proposals.



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